Lists the most commonly used tags with empty/missing/short tag wikis (wiki or excerpt). Can also identify tag wikis that are over a specified length. Enter -1 for all parameters to match all tags. Tags that have been synonymized are excluded.
Q&A for Salesforce administrators, implementation experts, developers and anybody in-between
-- MaxBodyLength: Body shorter than "Set to -1 to disable" DECLARE @max_body_len INT = ##MaxBodyLength:INT?1##; -- MaxExcerptLength: or excerpt shorter than "Set to -1 to disable" DECLARE @max_excerpt_len INT = ##MaxExcerptLength:INT?1##; -- MinBodyLength: or body longer than "Set to -1 to disable" DECLARE @min_body_len INT = ##MinBodyLength:INT?11000##; -- MinExcerptLength: or excerpt longer than "Set to -1 to disable" DECLARE @min_excerpt_len INT = ##MinExcerptLength:INT?-1##; SELECT Count, t.TagName, COALESCE(LEN(pe.Body),0) AS [Excerpt length], COALESCE(LEN(pw.Body),0) AS [Wiki length], ExcerptPostId AS [Post Link], pe.CreationDate FROM Tags t LEFT JOIN Posts pe ON pe.Id = t.ExcerptPostId LEFT JOIN Posts pw ON pw.Id = t.WikiPostId WHERE (WikiPostId IS NULL -- no wiki/excerpt AND (@max_excerpt_len <> -1 OR @max_body_len <> -1)) OR LEN(pe.Body) < NULLIF(@max_excerpt_len,-1) -- short excerpt OR LEN(pw.Body) < NULLIF(@max_body_len,-1) -- short wiki OR LEN(pe.Body) > NULLIF(@min_excerpt_len,-1) -- long excerpt OR LEN(pw.Body) > NULLIF(@min_body_len,-1) -- long wiki ORDER BY Count DESC, COALESCE(LEN(pe.Body),0) ASC, COALESCE(LEN(pw.body),0) ASC, t.TagName