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Computational Science

Q&A for scientists using computers to solve scientific problems

select tags.tagname, answerer.age age, 
count(distinct answerer.id) nanswerers, 
cast(sum(answerer.reputation) as float) reputation, 
count(distinct questions.id) nquestions, count(distinct answers.id) nanswers, 
cast(sum(answers.score) as float) score
from users answerer, posts questions, posts answers, posttags, tags 
answerer.age is not null and answerer.age between 10 and 70
--and answerer.reputation > 1000
and questions.posttypeid=1
and year(questions.creationdate)=2012
and questions.id = posttags.postid
and posttags.tagid=tags.id
and tags.tagname in ('silverlight', 'asp.net-mvc', 'json','linq','iphone',
'ios','xcode','ruby-on-rails', 'ocaml','django','mercurial',
and questions.id=answers.parentid
and answers.posttypeid=2
and answers.owneruserid=answerer.id
group by tags.tagname, answerer.age
having sum(answers.score) > 10

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