Find questions containing one of the given two tags - ordered by last activity (including answers)


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Computational Science

Q&A for scientists using computers to solve scientific problems

SELECT TOP(##num?100##)
  coalesce(p.ParentId, p.Id) AS [Post Link],
---returns the id of the question
---For questions p.ParentId is NULL, so this returns p.Id
FROM Posts p
WHERE coalesce(p.ParentId, p.Id) IN 
  FROM Posts q INNER JOIN PostTags pt ON q.Id=pt.PostId
  INNER JOIN Tags t ON = pt.TagId
  WHERE (t.TagName=##tag1:string?abstract-algebra##) OR 
GROUP BY coalesce(p.ParentId, p.Id)
ORDER BY MAX(p.LastActivityDate) DESC

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