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Computational Science

Q&A for scientists using computers to solve scientific problems

WITH LanguageMapping AS (     SELECT     CASE     WHEN TagName IN ('typescript', 'ts', 'angular', 'ionic-framework') THEN 'TypeScript'     WHEN TagName IN ('c  ', 'cxx', 'cpp', 'boost', 'stl') THEN 'C  '     ELSE NULL     END AS ProgrammingLanguage,     PostId     FROM (         SELECT PostId, TagName,         ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY PostId ORDER BY TagName) as rn         FROM PostTags         INNER JOIN Tags ON Tags.Id = PostTags.TagId     ) t     WHERE rn = 1 ) SELECT DATEPART(yyyy, Posts.CreationDate) AS Year, DATEPART(mm, Posts.CreationDate) AS Month, LanguageMapping.ProgrammingLanguage, COUNT(*) AS NumQuestions FROM Posts INNER JOIN LanguageMapping ON Posts.Id = LanguageMapping.PostId WHERE Posts.PostTypeId = 1  AND LanguageMapping.ProgrammingLanguage IS NOT NULL  GROUP BY DATEPART(yyyy, Posts.CreationDate), DATEPART(mm, Posts.CreationDate), LanguageMapping.ProgrammingLanguage ORDER BY Year, Month, NumQuestions DESC

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