Q&A for scientists using computers to solve scientific problems
--actions that can only be done by moderators SELECT TOP(##num?100##) ph.CreationDate, ph.PostHistoryTypeId, ph.UserId AS [User Link], ph.PostId AS [Post Link], concat('site://posts/', ph.PostId, '/revisions' ) [Revisions Link] FROM PostHistory ph WHERE ph.UserId=##userid?1## AND ph.PostHistoryTypeId IN (##list?14,15,16,37,38,53##) ORDER BY ph.CreationDate DESC --14 = Post Locked - post locked by moderator --15 = Post Unlocked - post unlocked by moderator --16 = Community Owned - post now community owned --QUESTION can only be made CW by a moderator (so I look only at question; PostTypeId=1) --37 = Post merge source --38 = Post merge destination --53 = Question removed from hot network questions by a moderator