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Q&A for scientists using computers to solve scientific problems
-- High Score Questions Without Accepted Answer by Reputable Users -- Find useful questions by users who are respected in the community. SELECT Posts.Id AS [Post Link], Posts.Score AS [Score], Posts.ViewCount AS [View Count], Users.Reputation AS [Asker Rep] FROM Posts INNER JOIN PostTags ON Posts.Id = PostTags.PostId INNER JOIN Tags ON PostTags.TagId = INNER JOIN Users ON Users.Id = Posts.OwnerUserId WHERE Tags.TagName = '##TagName##' AND Posts.ClosedDate is NULL AND Posts.CommunityOwnedDate is NULL AND Posts.AcceptedAnswerId is NULL AND Posts.Score >= ##MinPostScore## AND Users.Reputation >= ##MinAskerRep## ORDER BY Posts.Score DESC, Posts.ViewCount DESC