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Computational Science

Q&A for scientists using computers to solve scientific problems

select top(300) 
       (12.5-POWER(POWER(4.15-POWER(q.AnswerCount,1.3),2),0.3)) * 
       POWER(   SQUARE(SUM(p.Score)/(q.AnswerCount+0.1))   ,0.45) *
       / 10 *
                POWER(q.Score,1.2)/5 * 
                POWER(q.ViewCount,0.3) * 
                POWER(SQUARE(q.CommentCount+6),0.25) * 
                SQUARE(40-DATEDIFF(YEAR, q.CreationDate, '2040/12/30'))/100
     ,1) as OVERALL,
q.Id as [Post Link], q.OwnerUserId as [User Link], q.Tags, q.CreationDate,
DATEDIFF(YEAR, q.CreationDate, '2040/12/30') as PseuAge,
SQUARE(40-DATEDIFF(YEAR, q.CreationDate, '2040/12/30'))/100 as AgeNorm,
POWER(q.Score,1.2)/5 as ScoreNorm,
q.ViewCount as Views,
POWER(q.ViewCount,0.3) as ViewNorm, 
q.CommentCount as Comments,
ROUND(POWER(SQUARE(q.CommentCount+6),0.25),2) as CommNorm,
q.AnswerCount as Answers,
12.5-POWER(POWER(4.15-POWER(q.AnswerCount,1.3),2),0.3) as AnsNorm,
ROUND(SUM(p.Score)/(q.AnswerCount+0.1),2) as AnsAve,
ROUND(POWER(SQUARE(q.AnswerCount),0.4),2) as AnsVal, 
       (12.5-POWER(POWER(4.15-POWER(q.AnswerCount,1.3),2),0.3)) * 
       POWER( (ROUND(SUM(p.Score)/(q.AnswerCount+0.1),2) ),0.9) * 
       / 10
      ,2) as AnsScore
from Posts q
inner join Posts p
on p.ParentId = q.Id
where q.PostTypeId = 1
and q.AcceptedAnswerId is not null
and q.Score > 0
and q.ViewCount > 0
and q.AnswerCount < 27
and q.CreationDate > DATEFROMPARTS(##sinceyear?2013##,01,01) 
and q.CreationDate < DATEFROMPARTS(##untilyear?2025##,12,31) 
group by q.Id, q.OwnerUserId, q.CommentCount, q.CreationDate, q.Tags, q.Score, q.ViewCount, q.AnswerCount, p.ParentId
order by OVERALL desc

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