This was originally posted at There are 4 ways that reputation can be lost: Reputation Cap, Community Wiki Bounty awards, and Posts migrations. This separates out Community Wiki AND votes lost prior to the latest migration. As yet it does not detect rep lost to bounty awards (bounty awarder Id is scrubbed away because it's in the votes table).
Q&A for scientists using computers to solve scientific problems
-- Top rated users with no reputation cap or Community Wiki -- This was originally posted at -- -- There are 4 ways that reputation can be lost: Reputation Cap, Community Wiki -- Bounty awards, and Posts migrations. This separates out Community Wiki, but -- I still have not found a solution to detect migrated post dates or bounty -- awards (bounty awarder Id is scrubbed away because it's in the votes table). WITH VotePoints AS ( SELECT Votes.PostId, Votes.CreationDate, Posts.OwnerUserId AS UserId, VoteTypeId, (CASE WHEN VoteTypeId = 1 THEN 15 -- Accepted answer WHEN VoteTypeId = 2 AND PostTypeId = 1 THEN 5 -- Upvoted question WHEN VoteTypeId = 2 AND PostTypeId = 2 THEN 10 -- Upvoted answer WHEN VoteTypeId = 3 THEN -2 -- Downvote WHEN VoteTypeId = 9 THEN BountyAmount -- Earned Bounty END) AS Points, (CASE WHEN Votes.CreationDate > Posts.CommunityOwnedDate THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS IsCommunityOwned, (CASE WHEN (SELECT TOP 1 CreationDate FROM PostHistory WHERE PostHistoryTypeId=17 AND PostHistory.PostId = Votes.PostId ORDER BY CreationDate DESC) > Votes.CreationDate THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS IsBeforeMigration FROM Votes INNER JOIN Posts ON Posts.Id = Votes.PostId ) , CalculatedReputation AS ( SELECT Users.Id AS UserId, SUM(Points) AS Total, SUM(CASE WHEN (VoteTypeId = 2 OR VoteTypeId = 3 OR VoteTypeId = 3) AND IsCommunityOwned = 1 AND IsBeforeMigration = 0 THEN Points ELSE 0 END) AS LostWiki, SUM(CASE WHEN IsBeforeMigration = 1 THEN Points ELSE 0 END) AS LostMigration FROM VotePoints INNER JOIN Users ON Users.Id = UserId GROUP BY Users.Id, Users.Reputation ) SELECT TOP 1000 Users.Id as [User Link], Users.Reputation, Total, Total - LostWiki - LostMigration as Uncap, Total - Users.Reputation as Lost, LostWiki, LostMigration AS LostMig FROM CalculatedReputation INNER JOIN Users ON Users.Id = UserId ORDER BY Uncap DESC