Top 100 users ranked by their average passive rep earned per answer and per day


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Top 100 users ranked by their average passive rep earned per answer and per day. Parameters o An answer becomes passive after "ignoreDays" days o Must also be older than minAgeDays (compared with dump date). o The column "Sum of all Answers Passive Score per Day" is the product of the number of qualifying answers by the average earned rep per answer and per day. -------------------------------------------------------------------

Computational Science

Q&A for scientists using computers to solve scientific problems

-- Top 100 users ranked by their average passive rep earned per answer 
-- and per day.
--  Parameters
--   o  An answer becomes passive after "ignoreDays" days
--   o  Must also be older than minAgeDays (compared with dump date).
--   o  The column "Sum of all Answers Passive Score per Day" is the 
--      product of the number of qualifying answers by the average 
--      earned rep per answer and per day.

declare @ignoreDays numeric = 14
declare @minAgeDays numeric = 28
declare @minRep numeric = 1000
declare @minPosts numeric = 50
declare @latestDate datetime

select @latestDate = max(CreationDate) from Posts

declare @passiveRepPosts table (id int, score int, passiveDays int, OwnerUserId int)
insert @passiveRepPosts
    score = sum(case when VoteTypeId = 2 then 10 when VoteTypeId = 3 then -2 else 0 end),
    datediff (day, p.CreationDate,  @latestDate) - @ignoreDays,
from Votes v join posts p on v.PostId =
where v.VoteTypeId in (2,3)
and p.CommunityOwnedDate is null
and p.ClosedDate is null
and datediff(day, p.CreationDate, v.CreationDate) > @ignoreDays
and datediff(day, p.CreationDate, @latestDate) > @minAgeDays
group by p.Id, p.OwnerUserId, p.CreationDate

declare @UserStats table (OwnerUserId int, answerCnt int, score float)
insert @UserStats
    answerCnt = count ( p.Id ),
    scorePerDay = sum ( convert(decimal(6,3), p.Score) / convert(decimal(6,3), p.passiveDays ) )
    @passiveRepPosts p join Users u on u.Id = p.OwnerUserId
    u.Reputation > @minRep
group by

set nocount on

   top 100 answerCnt as [Answer with Passive Votes],
   u.DisplayName as [Display name],
   cast( s.score as numeric(6,3)) as [Sum of all Answers Passive Score per Day],
   cast( (s.score / s.answerCnt) as numeric(6,3)) as [Average Answer Passive Score per Day]
   @UserStats s,
   Users u
where u.Id = s.OwnerUserId
and answerCnt > @minPosts
order by [Average Answer Passive Score per Day] desc

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