Q&A for scientists using computers to solve scientific problems
select TagName, avg(cast(ResponseTime as bigint)) as Average, stdev(cast(ResponseTime as bigint)) as StandardDev from (SELECT Questions.CreationDate, Questions.Title, Tags.TagName, Answers.CreationDate as ResponseDate, datediff(minute, Questions.CreationDate, Answers.CreationDate) as ResponseTime, cast(DATEPART(hour, Questions.CreationDate) as int) as ResponseHour FROM Posts Questions join Posts Answers on Answers.id = Questions.AcceptedAnswerId and datediff(hour, Questions.CreationDate, Answers.CreationDate) < 5 join PostTags ON PostTags.PostId = Questions.Id join Tags on Tags.Id = PostTags.TagId WHERE Questions.CreationDate > convert(datetime, '01/01/2012', 101) and TagName in ('ruby', 'c++', 'c', 'clojure', 'scala', 'javascript', 'haskell', 'c#', 'java', 'lua', 'php', 'cuda', 'perl', 'fortran', 'nsight') ) as Responses group by TagName order by TagName