Q&A for scientists using computers to solve scientific problems
SELECT year(p.CreationDate) + (month(p.CreationDate)-1) /12. yr_month, TagName, count(*) questions FROM Posts p, PostTags pt, Tags t WHERE 1=1 AND p.id = pt.PostId AND t.id = pt.TagId --AND t.TagName = ##tag:string?weka## AND t.TagName in ('weka','pandas', 'numpy','vowpalwabbit', 'theano','mahout','scikit-learn','matlab','julia' --,'r' -- Not included because it swamps others ) AND year(p.CreationDate) < 2015 GROUP BY year(p.CreationDate), month(p.CreationDate), tagname order by year(p.CreationDate), month(p.CreationDate)