Q&A for scientists using computers to solve scientific problems
DECLARE @SecondsThreshold AS Int = ##SecondsThreshold:int?190##; -- 180+10 based on answering rate-limit: https://meta.stackexchange.com/a/164900/997587 WITH Pool AS ( SELECT Id, CreationDate, Body, OwnerUserId FROM Posts WHERE PostTypeId = 2 -- answer AND Id >= 74621540 AND LEN(Body) >= 700 ), TimeDiff AS ( SELECT A.Id, DATEDIFF( second, LAG(A.CreationDate, 1, DATEFROMPARTS(2022,11,29)) OVER ( PARTITION BY A.OwnerUserId ORDER BY A.CreationDate ASC ), A.CreationDate ) AS Seconds, Body, A.OwnerUserId FROM Pool A ) SELECT A.Id AS [Post Link], A.Seconds, A.OwnerUserId AS [User Link], U.Reputation AS UserRep, U.CreationDate AS UserBday, PATINDEX('% help%', A.Body) AS HelpIdx, A.Body FROM TimeDiff A JOIN Users U ON U.Id = A.OwnerUserId WHERE A.Seconds < @SecondsThreshold ;