For the list of non-series tags, see:
Q&A for scientists using computers to solve scientific problems
with tagnames as ( select tagsynonyms.* from tags inner join tagsynonyms on tags.tagname like '%' + tagsynonyms.targettagname + '%' and tagsynonyms.targettagname in ( 'aimer', 'barasui', 'hayao-miyazaki', 'hideaki-anno', 'hiroyuki-sawano', 'jun-maeda', 'kajiura-yuki', 'kazuki-nakashima', 'kazuki-takahashi', 'ken-akamatsu', 'kouji-seo', 'maaya-sakamoto', 'makoto-shinkai', 'mamiko-noto', 'mamoru-hosoda', 'mamoru-oshii', 'masamune-shirow', 'sachika-misawa', 'shun-saeki', 'domo-kun', 'hatsune-miku', 'os-tan', 'super-sonico', 'crunchyroll', 'funimation', 'gainax', 'key', 'kyoto-animation', 'madhouse', 'netflix', 'sentai-filmworks', 'studio-ghibli', 'type-moon', 'australia', 'england', 'europe', 'germany', 'greece', 'india', 'japan', 'north-korea', 'singapore', 'spain', 'united-states', 'anime-expo', 'anime-no-chikara', 'anime-planet', 'claris', 'comiket', 'myanimelist', 'pixiv', 'ribon', 'shonen-jump', 'vocaloid' ) ) select * from posts inner join tagnames on posts.posttypeid = 1 and posts.tags like '%' + tagnames.targettagname + '%' where (lower(posts.title) not like replace(tagnames.sourcetagname, '-', ' ') or posts.title not like replace(tagnames.targettagname, '-', ' ')) or (lower(posts.body) not like replace(tagnames.sourcetagname, '-', ' ') or posts.body not like replace(tagnames.targettagname, '-', ' ')) /* --or posts.body like any (select '%' + sourcetagname + '%' from tagnames union select '%' + targettagname + '%' from tagnames)) --and posts.tags not like any (select '%' + sourcetagname + '%' from tagnames union select '%' + targettagname + '%' from tagnames) */