Questions potentially missing some non-series tags


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For the list of non-series tags, see:

Computational Science

Q&A for scientists using computers to solve scientific problems

with tagnames as (
select tags.tagname, tagsynonyms.sourcetagname from tags
left join tagsynonyms
on tags.tagname like '%' + tagsynonyms.targettagname + '%'
where tags.tagname in (
select * from tagnames
select * from posts
inner join tagnames
on posts.posttypeid = 1
and posts.tags like '%' + tagnames.targettagname + '%'
--where lower(posts.title) not like '%' + replace(tagnames.sourcetagname, '-', ' ') + '%' 
--and lower(posts.title) not like '%' + replace(tagnames.targettagname, '-', ' ') + '%' 

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