This query lists questions that have been closed as duplicates of another question that has since been deleted. Such questions should be either deleted or, if they have good answers or are otherwise of decent quality, reopened. Note that non-locked questions with no answers and a negative score will be automatically deleted by the RemoveDeadQuestions script after 30 days, as indicated by the "Roombable?" column. By default, the results will be sorted with the most recently closed questions first. You can click the column headings to change the sort order. For example, questions with a high answer score may be good candidates for reopening (or for a historical lock), while questions with a high score but no answers may simply need a new dupe target (see
Q&A for scientists using computers to solve scientific problems
-- step 1: find dupes with deleted targets CREATE TABLE #DeletedDupes ( PostId INT NOT NULL, TargetId INT NULL, AnswerScore INT NULL, LockEventId INT NULL ) INSERT INTO #DeletedDupes SELECT BrokenLink.PostId as PostId, MAX(BrokenLink.RelatedPostId) as TargetId, MAX(Answer.Score) as AnswerScore, MAX(LockEvent.Id) as LockEventId FROM PostLinks as BrokenLink LEFT JOIN Posts as TargetPost ON TargetPost.Id = BrokenLink.RelatedPostId LEFT JOIN Posts as Answer ON Answer.PostTypeId = 2 AND Answer.ParentId = BrokenLink.PostId LEFT JOIN PostHistory as LockEvent ON LockEvent.PostHistoryTypeId IN (14, 15) AND LockEvent.PostId = BrokenLink.PostId WHERE BrokenLink.LinkTypeId = 3 AND TargetPost.Id IS NULL AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM PostLinks as OtherLink JOIN Posts as OtherTarget ON OtherTarget.Id = OtherLink.RelatedPostId WHERE OtherLink.LinkTypeId = 3 AND OtherLink.PostId = BrokenLink.PostId ) GROUP BY BrokenLink.PostId -- step 2: format results nicely SELECT BrokenLink.PostId as [Post Link], SourcePost.ViewCount as Views, SourcePost.Score, SourcePost.AnswerCount as Answers, BrokenLink.AnswerScore as AScore, (CASE WHEN SourcePost.AcceptedAnswerId IS NULL THEN '' ELSE 'Accepted' END) as Accepted, SourcePost.ClosedDate as Closed, TargetPost.DeletionDate as Deleted, (CASE WHEN LockEventId IS NOT NULL AND (SELECT PostHistoryTypeId FROM PostHistory WHERE Id = LockEventId) = 14 THEN 'No (Post Locked)' WHEN SourcePost.AnswerCount = 1 THEN 'No (1 answer)' WHEN SourcePost.AnswerCount > 1 THEN 'No (' + Cast(SourcePost.AnswerCount as VARCHAR) + ' answers)' WHEN SourcePost.Score = 0 THEN 'If downvoted' WHEN SourcePost.Score > 0 THEN 'If downvoted x' + Cast(SourcePost.Score+1 as VARCHAR) ELSE 'Yes, on ' + Convert(VARCHAR(10), DateAdd(Day, 30, SourcePost.CreationDate), 126) END) as [Roombable?], SourcePost.Tags as [Tags], (CASE WHEN CommunityEdit.Id IS NULL THEN 'Auto' WHEN SourcePost.Body LIKE '<blockquote>%/questions/' + Cast(TargetId as NVARCHAR) + '/%</blockquote>%' THEN 'Inline' ELSE 'Missing' END) as [Banner] FROM #DeletedDupes as BrokenLink JOIN Posts as SourcePost ON SourcePost.Id = BrokenLink.PostId LEFT JOIN PostsWithDeleted as TargetPost ON TargetPost.Id = BrokenLink.TargetId LEFT JOIN PostLinks as NonDupeLink ON NonDupeLink.LinkTypeId = 1 AND NonDupeLink.PostId = BrokenLink.PostId AND NonDupeLink.RelatedPostId = BrokenLink.TargetId LEFT JOIN PostHistory as CommunityEdit ON CommunityEdit.PostId = BrokenLink.PostId AND CommunityEdit.UserId = -1 AND CommunityEdit.PostHistoryTypeId = 5 AND CommunityEdit.CreationDate = SourcePost.ClosedDate ORDER BY TargetPost.DeletionDate DESC