Select Questions for Python with Accepted Answer


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Science Fiction and Fantasy

Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

SELECT top(1) pq.Id, pq.CreationDate as [DateTime], pq.PostTypeId, pq.Title, pq.Body, pq.Score, pq.Tags, pq.ViewCount, pq.AcceptedAnswerId, pa.Body as AcceptedAnswer 
FROM posts pq JOIN posts pa
ON pq.AcceptedAnswerId = pa.Id
pq.PostTypeId = 1 AND -- Questions
pq.CreationDate BETWEEN '01-JAN-2022' AND '01-JAN-2024' AND -- Time
pq.AcceptedAnswerId IS NOT NULL AND -- Have accepted answer
pq.Id NOT IN (SELECT PostId FROM PostLinks WHERE LinkTypeId = 3) AND -- No duplicate question
pq.Id NOT IN (SELECT RelatedPostId FROM PostLinks WHERE LinkTypeId = 3) AND -- No duplicate question
(pq.Tags LIKE '%<python>%' OR pq.Tags LIKE '%<python-3.x>%' )AND
pq.Body NOT LIKE '%<img src="%">%' AND 
pq.Score > 4

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