Find Stack Overflow Users In Your City (with user-links) With Their Score For One Particular Tag


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Science Fiction and Fantasy

Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

-- Find Stack Overflow Users In any location (with user-links) and their score for a particular Tag
-- A simply query to find users in your city or country with their rank/score for a particular Tag. Added user links.

select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY tuser.Tag_Score desc) AS User_Rank_On_Tag,
        (PERCENT_RANK( ) OVER(ORDER BY tuser.Tag_Score desc) * 100) AS [TOP_%],
        us.Id [User Link], 
from Users us

(SELECT Answers.OwnerUserId AS UserId, SUM(Answers.Score) AS Tag_Score
     FROM Tags 
    JOIN PostTags ON Tags.Id = PostTags.TagId
    JOIN Posts ON Posts.Id = PostTags.PostId  
    JOIN Posts Answers ON Answers.ParentId = Posts.Id 
    WHERE UPPER(Tags.TagName) = UPPER('##TagName##')
  GROUP BY Answers.OwnerUserId
) tuser ON tuser.UserId = us.Id

where UPPER(us.Location) like UPPER('%##LocationName##%')
order by tuser.Tag_Score desc, us.Reputation desc

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