Get all review tasks for a specific post ID or user's posts


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For some of the post types, it probably isn't possible to have review tasks on them, but they're listed anyway.

Science Fiction and Fantasy

Q&A for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

-- PostId: Post ID "Set to 0 to disable"
DECLARE @post_id INT = ##PostId:INT?0##;
-- UserId: User ID "Set to 0 to disable"
DECLARE @user_id INT = ##UserId:INT##;

  'site://review/' + 
  CASE ReviewTaskTypes.Id
    WHEN 1 THEN 'suggested-edits'
    WHEN 2 THEN 'close'
    WHEN 3 THEN 'low-quality-posts'
    WHEN 4 THEN 'first-posts'
    WHEN 5 THEN 'late-answers'
    WHEN 6 THEN 'reopen'
  END + '/' + CAST(ReviewTasks.Id AS nvarchar) + '| '
      + ReviewTaskTypes.Name,
  PostId as [Post Link],
  PostTypes.Name as [Post Type],
FROM ReviewTasks
INNER JOIN ReviewTaskTypes on ReviewTaskTypes.Id = ReviewTasks.ReviewTaskTypeId
INNER JOIN Posts on ReviewTasks.PostId = Posts.Id
LEFT JOIN PostTypes on Posts.PostTypeId = PostTypes.Id
WHERE (ReviewTasks.PostId = @post_id
       OR Posts.OwnerUserId = @user_id
       OR (@post_id = 0 AND @user_id = 0)
      AND ((##Question?1## = 1 AND PostTypes.Name = 'Question')
        OR (##Answer?1## = 1 AND PostTypes.Name = 'Answer')
        OR (##Wiki?1## = 1 AND PostTypes.Name = 'Wiki')
        OR (##TagWiki?0## = 1 AND PostTypes.Name = 'TagWiki')
        OR (##TagWikiExcerpt?0## = 1 AND PostTypes.Name = 'TagWikiExcerpt')
        OR (##ModeratorNomination?1## = 1 AND PostTypes.Name = 'ModeratorNomination')
        OR (##WikiPlaceholder?1## = 1 AND PostTypes.Name = 'WikiPlaceholder')
        OR (##PrivilegeWiki?1## = 1 AND PostTypes.Name = 'PrivilegeWiki')
ORDER BY ReviewTasks.CreationDate desc

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