Q&A for SharePoint enthusiasts
-- Fetching technical questions, answers, and comments from 2018-2019 SELECT p.Id AS PostId, p.PostTypeId, -- 1: Question, 2: Answer, 3: Comment p.CreationDate, -- Date when the post was created p.Score, -- Score of the post p.Body, -- Main content of the post p.Tags -- Tags associated with the post (if applicable) FROM Posts p WHERE p.CreationDate BETWEEN '2018-01-01' AND '2020-01-01' -- Data from 2018-2019 AND p.PostTypeId IN (1, 2, 3) -- Include Questions, Answers, and Comments AND (p.Body LIKE '%API%' OR p.Body LIKE '%OAuth%' OR p.Body LIKE '%CUDA%' OR p.Body LIKE '%machine learning%' OR p.Body LIKE '%REST%') -- Filter posts containing technical terms ORDER BY p.CreationDate ASC;