Dataset for stackoverflow


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Q&A for SharePoint enthusiasts

-- Fetching technical questions, answers, and comments from 2018-2019
    p.Id AS PostId,
    p.PostTypeId,          -- 1: Question, 2: Answer, 3: Comment
    p.CreationDate,        -- Date when the post was created
    p.Score,               -- Score of the post
    p.Body,                -- Main content of the post
    p.Tags                 -- Tags associated with the post (if applicable)
    Posts p
    p.CreationDate BETWEEN '2018-01-01' AND '2020-01-01' -- Data from 2018-2019
    AND p.PostTypeId IN (1, 2, 3) -- Include Questions, Answers, and Comments
    AND (
        p.Body LIKE '%API%' OR p.Body LIKE '%OAuth%' OR p.Body LIKE '%CUDA%' 
        OR p.Body LIKE '%machine learning%' OR p.Body LIKE '%REST%' 
        OR p.Body LIKE '%TensorFlow%' OR p.Body LIKE '%PyTorch%' 
        OR p.Body LIKE '%Kubernetes%' OR p.Body LIKE '%Docker%' 
        OR p.Body LIKE '%Flask%' OR p.Body LIKE '%cloud computing%' 
        OR p.Body LIKE '%data science%' OR p.Body LIKE '%microservices%' 
        OR p.Body LIKE '%AI%' OR p.Body LIKE '%DevOps%' 
        OR p.Body LIKE '%blockchain%' OR p.Body LIKE '%SQL%' 
        OR p.Body LIKE '%NoSQL%' OR p.Body LIKE '%Big Data%' 
        OR p.Body LIKE '%Natural Language Processing%' OR p.Body LIKE '%React%' 
        OR p.Body LIKE '%Angular%' OR p.Body LIKE '%Git%' 
        OR p.Body LIKE '%Virtual Machines%' OR p.Body LIKE '%APIs%' 
        OR p.Body LIKE '%GraphQL%' OR p.Body LIKE '%Linux%'
    ) -- Filter posts containing relevant technical terms
    p.CreationDate ASC;

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