These badges are awarded based on the number of questions both edited and answered within 12 hours where the answer score is positive. Edited questions with multiple positive score answers only get counted once.
Q&A for SharePoint enthusiasts
select case when edits >= 1 then 'Yes' else concat(edits, '/', 1) end as Explainer, case when edits >= 50 then 'Yes' else concat(edits, '/', 50) end as Refiner, case when edits >= 500 then 'Yes' else concat(edits, '/', 500) end as Illuminator from (select count(distinct q.Id) as edits from Posts a join Posts q on q.Id = a.ParentId and q.PostTypeId = 1 and q.ClosedDate is null and (q.OwnerUserId != ##UserId## or q.OwnerUserId is null) join PostHistory ph on ph.PostId = a.ParentId and ph.PostHistoryTypeId in (4,5) and ph.UserId = ##UserId## and abs(datediff(hh, ph.CreationDate, a.CreationDate)) <= 12 where a.OwnerUserId = ##UserId## and a.PostTypeId = 2 and a.Score >= 1 ) x