Users with less than 10 reputation can't post images, so they often post links instead. This query will help you find such posts so that you can edit them and earn reputation fast.
Q&A for SharePoint enthusiasts
SELECT TOP ##NumberOfPosts:int?100## Posts.Score, Posts.Id AS [Post Link], Posts.CreationDate, Posts.LastActivityDate, Users.Reputation AS [Author's current reputation] FROM Posts INNER JOIN Users on Posts.OwnerUserId = Users.Id WHERE Users.Reputation < 2000 --Search for posts by users with relatively low reputation, high reputation users usually know what they're doing AND NOT Posts.Body LIKE '%<img src%' --If the link is already an image we don't have to do anything AND NOT Posts.Body LIKE '%<a %<a %<a %<a %<a %' --If the OP has enough reputation to post lots of links, he has enough reputation to post images AND ( Posts.Body LIKE '%<a href=%imgur%.png%>%</a>%' OR Posts.Body LIKE '%<a href=%imgur%.gif%>%</a>%' OR Posts.Body LIKE '%<a href=%imgur%.jpg%>%</a>%' OR Posts.Body LIKE '%<a href=%imgur%.jpe%>%</a>%' OR Posts.Body LIKE '%<a href=%imgur%.bmp%>%</a>%' ) ORDER BY Score DESC