SELECT se.OwnerUserId as [User Link], u.Reputation as Edi...


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SELECT se.OwnerUserId as [User Link], u.Reputation as EditorRep, up.Id as [User Link], up.Reputation as PosterRep, (up.Reputation + u.Reputation) as CombinedRep, p.Id as [Post Link], p.PostTypeId, se.*, p.*
  FROM SuggestedEdits se
  LEFT JOIN Posts p ON p.Id = se.PostId
  LEFT JOIN Users u ON (u.Id = se.OwnerUserId)
  LEFT JOIN Users up ON (up.Id = p.OwnerUserId)
    se.ApprovalDate IS NULL AND
    se.RejectionDate IS NULL AND
    PostTypeId in (1, 2) AND
    (up.Reputation + u.Reputation < 1000)

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