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Sitecore Meta

Q&A about the site for developers and end users of the Sitecore CMS and multichannel marketing software

SELECT     TOP ##numberofquestionstofetch## tags.tagname AS kha,
                                    AS questionid,
           question.score                                AS questionscore,
           question.title                                AS questiontitle,
           question.body                                 AS questionbody,
     AS acceptedanswerid, 
           answer.score AS answerscore, 
           answer.body  AS answerbody 
FROM       posts        AS question 
JOIN       posts        AS answer 
ON         question.acceptedanswerid =
INNER JOIN posttags AS question_tags 
ON         question_tags.postid =
ON         question_tags.tagid = 
WHERE > ##lastfetchedquestionid##
AND        question.tags LIKE '##Tag##' 
/*AND        tags.tagname='python' */
ORDER BY   question.score DESC

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