How many upvotes do I have for each tag?


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Sitecore Meta

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-- How much of a generalist am I?
-- This query outputs the total non-wiki answer score 
-- for any of the 40 most popular tags, for a given user.

set nocount on

declare @topTags table (id int, name nvarchar(35), questionCount int)
insert @topTags
select top 40 Id, TagName, Count from Tags order by Count desc

set nocount off

select name as [TagName], sum(Posts.Score) as Score from @topTags
  inner join PostTags on PostTags.TagId = id
  inner join Posts on Posts.ParentId = PostTags.PostId
where Posts.OwnerUserId = ##UserId:int## 
  and Posts.CommunityOwnedDate is null
  and Posts.PostTypeId = 2
group by name order by Score desc

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