Views, Score and Answers per Game (with limited blacklist for other tags)
Q&A for scientific skepticism
-- Tag statistics -- Views, Score and Answers per Tag DECLARE @total float SELECT @total = Sum(Cast(ViewCount as bigint)) FROM Posts WHERE PostTypeId = 1 SELECT Tags.Tagname AS Tag, Count(*) AS Questions, Sum(Cast(Posts.ViewCount as bigint)) AS Views, str(100 * Sum(Cast(Posts.ViewCount as bigint)) / @total,6,2) AS percentOfSite, Sum(Posts.Score) AS Score, Sum(Posts.AnswerCount) AS Answers, Sum(Cast(Posts.ViewCount as bigint)) / Count(*) AS AvgViews, str(Sum(Posts.Score) / Cast(Count(*) AS Float),6,2) AS AvgScore, str(Sum(Posts.AnswerCount) / Cast(Count(*) AS Float),6,2) AS AvgAnswers FROM Posts JOIN PostTags ON Posts.Id = PostTags.PostId JOIN Tags ON PostTags.TagId = Tags.Id WHERE Posts.PostTypeId = 1 GROUP BY Tags.Tagname ORDER BY Views DESC