Recommended value for MinCountOfQuestionsPerBadge is 25, otherwise the query will run for too long. This means we will only look at tags which have >25 questions or more in them.
Q&A for scientific skepticism
-- -- DECLARE @MinCount int select @MinCount = ##MinCountOfQuestionsPerBadge?25## SELECT id, tagname, count, -999 AS 'creatorid' -- Can't use -1 as that's community INTO #t1 FROM tags WHERE count > @MinCount GO -- DisplayName DECLARE @userid int SELECT @userid=##UserId## DECLARE @id int DECLARE @creatorid int DECLARE @tagname nvarchar (25) WHILE (EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM #t1 WHERE creatorid = -999)) BEGIN SELECT @id=min(id) FROM #t1 WHERE creatorid = -999 SELECT @tagname=tagname FROM #t1 WHERE id=@id SELECT @creatorid = NULL SELECT @creatorid = userid FROM PostHistory PH1 WHERE text like '%<'+@tagname+'>%' AND PostHistoryTypeId IN (3,6,9) AND userid = ##UserId## AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM PostHistory PH2 WHERE PH2.text like '%<'+@tagname+'>%' AND PH2.PostHistoryTypeId in (3,6,9) AND PH1.CreationDate > PH2.CreationDate) SELECT @creatorid = COALESCE(@creatorid, -1000) -- in case it's null, so we don't get infinite loop UPDATE #t1 SET creatorid = @creatorid WHERE id=@id END go DECLARE @badge int SELECT @badge=count(1) from badges WHERE Name = 'Taxonomist' AND userid = ##UserId## IF (@badge > 0) BEGIN INSERT #t1 VALUES (0, '!Already have Taxonomist!', 10000, ##UserId##) END SELECT tagname, count , CASE WHEN count < 50 THEN 50-count ELSE 0 END AS 'Questions Left Till Taxonomist' , id AS 'TagId', creatorid as 'UserId' FROM #t1 WHERE creatorid = ##UserId## order by count DESC DROP TABLE #t1 go