Users with low accept rates


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Shows users with accept rates below a certain threshold


Q&A for scientific skepticism

-- Users with low accept rates
-- Shows users with accept rates below a certain threshold
WITH QuestionCounts AS
  SELECT OwnerUserId AS UserId, COUNT(*) AS QuestionCount
  FROM Posts
  WHERE PostTypeId = 1
  GROUP BY OwnerUserId
AcceptedAnswerCounts AS
  SELECT q.OwnerUserId AS UserId, COUNT(*) AS AcceptedAnswerCount
  FROM Votes v
  INNER JOIN Posts p
    ON p.Id = v.PostId
  INNER JOIN Posts q
    ON q.Id = p.ParentId
  GROUP BY q.OwnerUserId
AcceptRates AS
    CAST(a.AcceptedAnswerCount AS float) / q.QuestionCount AS AcceptRate
  FROM QuestionCounts q
  INNER JOIN AcceptedAnswerCounts a
    ON a.UserId = q.UserId
  WHERE q.QuestionCount > ##MinQuestionCount##
SELECT TOP ##MaxResults## UserId AS [User Link], AcceptRate * 100
FROM AcceptRates
WHERE AcceptRate <= (##MaxAcceptRatePercent## / 100.0)
ORDER BY AcceptRate

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