Q&A for scientific skepticism
SELECT DISTINCT posts.title, Concat('https://stackoverflow.com/questions', '/', posts.id) AS Link, CASE WHEN ( 2023 - Year(posts.creationdate) > 0 ) THEN ( posts.viewcount / ( 2023 - Year(posts.creationdate) ) ) ELSE ( posts.viewcount / 1 ) END AS Traffic, posts.creationdate, posts.viewcount, posts.tags, posts.acceptedanswerid, posts.score, posts.answercount, posts.closeddate FROM posts -- only includes posts that have tags INNER JOIN posttags ON posttags.postid = posts.id INNER JOIN tags ON tags.id = posttags.tagid WHERE posts.viewcount > 3000 AND posts.creationdate IS NOT NULL -- define a range AND posts.creationdate > '2015-01-01' AND posts.creationdate < '2023-09-10' -- include specific tags --AND posts.tags LIKE '%##java##%' AND posts.tags LIKE '%##tag##%' AND posts.tags NOT LIKE '%##notag1##%' AND posts.tags NOT LIKE '%##notag2##%' AND posts.tags NOT LIKE '%##notag3##%' --, 'jpa', 'spring data', 'spring data jpa', 'eclipse link') -- include only questions AND posts.posttypeid = 1 AND posts.commentcount >= 1 AND posts.answercount >= 1 -- only include questions with accepted answer AND posts.acceptedanswerid IS NOT NULL AND posts.score >= 1 -- include only ones with traffic > 3000 AND ( Year(posts.creationdate) = 2023 OR ( posts.viewcount / ( 2023 - Year(posts.creationdate) ) >= 3000 ) ) ORDER BY posts.creationdate DESC, posts.viewcount DESC -- GROUP BY Posts.ViewCount