Q&A for scientific skepticism
-- Define parameters for date range and tag filtering DECLARE @StartDate DATETIME = '2018-01-01'; -- Specify the start date for filtering DECLARE @EndDate DATETIME = '2022-01-01'; -- Specify the end date for filtering DECLARE @TargetTagName NVARCHAR(255) = 'java '; -- Specify the tag name for filtering DECLARE @RequestedRowCount INT = 1000; -- Number of rows to retrieve, adjust as needed -- Create a temporary table to store query results CREATE TABLE #TemporaryResults ( PostId INT, -- Unique identifier for each post PostTitle NVARCHAR(MAX), -- Title of the post PostContent NVARCHAR(MAX), -- Content of the post Tags NVARCHAR(MAX) -- Tags associated with the post ); -- Initialize a variable to keep track of the current page DECLARE @CurrentPageNumber INT = 1; -- Loop until the desired number of rows are retrieved WHILE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #TemporaryResults) < @RequestedRowCount BEGIN -- Insert relevant data into the temporary table INSERT INTO #TemporaryResults (PostId, PostTitle, PostContent, Tags) SELECT TOP (@RequestedRowCount - (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #TemporaryResults)) Id AS PostId, Title AS PostTitle, Body AS PostContent, Tags FROM Posts WHERE PostTypeId = 1 AND CreationDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate AND Tags LIKE '%<java>%' -- Only Java questions AND Id NOT IN (SELECT PostId FROM #TemporaryResults) ORDER BY CreationDate DESC; -- Move to the next page SET @CurrentPageNumber = @CurrentPageNumber + 1; END -- Select the desired columns from the temporary table SELECT PostId, PostTitle, PostContent, Tags FROM #TemporaryResults; -- Drop the temporary table to free up resources DROP TABLE #TemporaryResults;