with tagsnamepython as (select t.tagname as tagname, t.i...


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Q&A for scientific skepticism

--SELECT * from posts 
--where tags is not null 
--and tags!='' 
--and creationdate >= '2023-12-01' AND creationdate <= '2024-01-01' 

      --OR t.tagname LIKE '%java%'
      --OR t.tagname LIKE '%c++%'
      --OR t.tagname LIKE '%javascript%'
      --OR t.tagname LIKE '%c#%'
      --OR t.tagname LIKE '%php%'
      --OR t.tagname LIKE '%sql%'
      --OR t.tagname LIKE 'r'
      --OR t.tagname LIKE 'c'
with tagsnamepython as
(select t.tagname as tagname,
         t.id as id 
from tags t
where t.tagname = 'python' 


SELECT  DATEPART(year, p.creationdate) as year, 
        count(DATEPART(year, p.creationdate)),
from posttags pt 
    join tagsnamepython t on t.id=pt.tagId
    join posts p on p.id=pt.postId
where DATEPART(year, p.creationdate)>=2019 and DATEPART(year, p.creationdate)<=2023
group by DATEPART(year, p.creationdate), t.tagname
order by year

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