SELECT Users.location as Location, Tags.TagName as Transp...


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Q&A for scientific skepticism

    Users.location as Location,
    Tags.TagName as TransportType,
    COUNT(DISTINCT Posts.Id) as QuestionCount,
    AVG(CAST(Posts.Score as FLOAT)) as AvgScore,
    SUM(Posts.ViewCount) as TotalViews
FROM Posts
LEFT JOIN PostTags ON Posts.Id = PostTags.PostId
LEFT JOIN Tags ON PostTags.TagId = Tags.Id
LEFT JOIN Users ON Posts.OwnerUserId = Users.Id
WHERE Tags.TagName IN ('air-travel', 'trains', 'car-rentals', 'public-transport', 'cruise')
  AND Posts.PostTypeId = 1
  AND YEAR(Posts.CreationDate) IN (2023, 2024) -- 2023年と2024年の投稿に限定
GROUP BY Users.Location, Tags.TagName
ORDER BY Users.Location, Tags.TagName, QuestionCount DESC;

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