SELECT p.Id AS [Question Id], p.Title AS [Question Title]...


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Q&A for scientific skepticism

p.Id AS [Question Id], 
p.Title AS [Question Title], 
p.Body AS [Question Body], 
p.CreationDate AS [Question Date], 
a.Id AS [Answer Id],
a.Body AS [Answer Body],
a.CreationDate AS [Answer Date]
FROM Posts p
JOIN PostTags pt ON p.Id = pt.PostId
JOIN Tags t ON pt.TagId = t.Id
JOIN Posts a ON p.AcceptedAnswerId = a.Id
WHERE (t.TagName = ##TagName:string##) AND 
(p.AcceptedAnswerId IS NOT NULL)
ORDER BY p.CreationDate ASC
-- TagName: Tag Name:
-- Date1: Start Date:
-- Date2: End Date:

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