An index rating of all voters at Photo.SE, ranked by their ratio of votes to one-tenth their reputation. Users with more than 100% ratio will be ranked positive, while users with less than 100% ratio will be ranked negative. Negative voters should work on their voting to fully integrate into the community.
Q&A for scientific skepticism
-- Photo.SE Voter Index -- An index rating of all voters at Photo.SE, ranked by their ratio of votes to one-tenth their reputation. Users with more than 100% ratio will be ranked positive, while users with less than 100% ratio will be ranked negative. Negative voters should work on their voting to fully integrate into the community. select top 1000 id as [User Link], Round(((((UpVotes + DownVotes) / (Reputation/10.0)) * 100.0) - 100), 0) as [Index Rank], Reputation as Rep, UpVotes as [+ Votes], DownVotes [- Votes] from Users where Reputation > 200 and LastAccessDate > 0 order by Round(((((UpVotes + DownVotes) / (Reputation/10.0)) * 100.0) - 100), 3) desc