Computes the ratio of number of answers to up votes cast. Does not consider down votes and ignores users who have not up-voted at all.
Q&A for scientific skepticism
-- Answer-to-UpVotesCast Ratio for top 100 answerers (by answer count) -- Computes the ratio of number of answers to up votes cast. -- -- Does not consider down votes and ignores users who have not up-voted at all. select Id as [User Link], Answers, UpVotes as "Up votes", cast(Answers as numeric) / UpVotes as Ratio from Users inner join (select top 100 OwnerUserId,count(Id) as Answers from Posts where PostTypeId = 2 --Only Answers group by OwnerUserId order by Answers desc ) as postCount on postCount.OwnerUserId = Users.Id where UpVotes > 0 order by ratio desc