Total number of questions and answers for the last 12 months (in 30 day chunks)
Q&A for software quality control experts, automation engineers, and software testers
-- Total Questions and Answers per Month for the last 12 -- Total number of questions and answers for the last 12 months (in 30 day chunks) set nocount on create table #ranges (Id int identity, [start] datetime, [finish] datetime) insert #ranges select top 12 null, null from sysobjects declare @oldestPost dateTime select @oldestPost = CreationDate from Posts where Id = (select max(p2.Id) from Posts p2) -- look at 30 day chunks, so stats remain fairly accurate -- (month will depend on days per month) update #ranges set [start] = DateAdd(d, (0 - Id) * 30, @oldestPost), [finish] = DateAdd(d, (1 - Id) * 30, @oldestPost) select start, (select count(*) from Posts where ParentId is null and CreationDate between [start] and [finish] ) as [Total Questions], (select count(*) from Posts where ParentId is not null and CreationDate between [start] and [finish] ) as [Total Answers] from #ranges