Avg score by month for tag


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Stack Overflow

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    -- p.id as [Post Link]
    -- , p.Score
    -- , t.tagname
    -- , tv.value
    -- , p.CreationDate
       SUM(p.Score) AS Score,
       COUNT(*) AS Answers,
       ROUND(1.0 * SUM(p.Score)/COUNT(*), 2) AS ScorePerAnswer,
            CAST(DATEPART(YEAR, p.CreationDate) AS NVARCHAR) + '-' + 
            CAST(DATEPART(MONTH, p.CreationDate) AS NVARCHAR) + '-01'
            AS DATETIME) AS 'Month'
from posts p
  inner join posts q 
    on q.id = coalesce(p.parentid, p.id) -- only questions have tags
  inner join posttags pt 
    on pt.postid = q.id
  inner join tags t 
    on t.id = pt.tagid
  cross join string_split(##tags:string?powerbi,dax##, ',') tv

  t.tagname = tv.value
  and p.owneruserid = ##userid?1903793##
  and p.posttypeid in (2)
 group by
   DATEPART(YEAR, p.CreationDate), 
   DATEPART(MONTH, p.CreationDate)
--order by p.CreationDate desc

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