Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers
SELECT Distinct u.Id AS [User Link], CONCAT('https://stackoverflow.com/users/', u.Id) AS [Profile Link], u.DisplayName, u.Location, u.WebsiteUrl, u.AboutMe, u.Views, u.UpVotes, u.DownVotes, u.EmailHash, u.Reputation, SUM (p.Score) AS [Scores Sum], Count (p.Id) AS [Number of Posts] FROM Users u, Posts p, Tags t, PostTags pt WHERE (u.Id=p.OwnerUserId) AND (pt.PostID=p.Id) AND (pt.TagId=t.Id) AND Upper(t.TagName) LIKE Upper('%##TagName##%') AND Upper(u.Location) LIKE Upper('%##Location##%') Group By u.Id, u.DisplayName, u.Location, u.WebsiteUrl, u.AboutMe, u.Views, u.UpVotes, u.DownVotes, u.EmailHash, u.Reputation, p.AnswerCount Having SUM (p.Score) > Count (p.Id) Order By u.Reputation DESC;