Dup Questions


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Stack Overflow

Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers

  questions.Id AS QuestionId,
  questions.Title AS QuestionTitle,
  questions.Body AS QuestionBody,
  questions.Score AS QuestionScore,
  questions.AcceptedAnswerId AS AcceptedAnswer,
  accepted.Score AS AcceptedAnswerScore,
  answers.Id AS MostVotedAnswer,
  answers.Score AS MostVotedAnswerScore,
  SUBSTRING(history.Text, CHARINDEX('[', history.Text) + 1, CHARINDEX(']', history.Text) - CHARINDEX('[', history.Text) - 1) AS DuplicateQuestions,
  LEN(history.Text) - LEN(REPLACE(history.Text, '"Id"', '###')) AS DuplicateQuestionsVotes
  Posts questions
  LEFT JOIN Posts accepted ON accepted.Id = questions.AcceptedAnswerId
  LEFT JOIN Posts answers ON answers.ParentId = questions.Id
  LEFT JOIN PostHistory history ON history.PostId = questions.Id
    questions.Id = 10478031
  ) AND (
    history.PostHistoryTypeId = 10
  ) AND (
    history.Text LIKE '{"OriginalQuestionIds":%'
  ) AND (
      answers.Id IS NULL
    ) OR (
      answers.Id IN (
        SELECT TOP 1 p.Id
        FROM Posts p
        WHERE p.ParentId = questions.Id
        ORDER BY p.Score DESC
ORDER BY questions.Id

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