Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers
SELECT Q.Id AS [Post Link], Q.Score, Q.AnswerCount, Q.ClosedDate FROM Posts Q WHERE -- Post is question Q.PostTypeId = 1 -- Question is a code-golf challenge AND Q.Tags LIKE '%code-golf%' AND Q.Tags NOT LIKE '%tips%' AND Q.Tags NOT LIKE '%cops-and-robbers%' AND Q.Tags NOT LIKE '%polyglot%' AND Q.Tags NOT LIKE '%obfuscation%' -- custom tags -- AND Q.Tags LIKE '%sequence%' -- Question is recent enough AND year(Q.CreationDate) >= 2016 -- Does not have an answer in Factor AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM Posts A WHERE A.ParentId = Q.Id AND A.PostTypeId = 2 AND ( lower(A.Body) LIKE '____factor[^i]%bytes%' OR lower(A.Body) LIKE '____________________factor%bytes%' OR lower(A.Body) LIKE '_____________________factor%bytes%' ) ) ORDER BY Q.ClosedDate ASC, Q.AnswerCount DESC, Q.Score DESC;