select all link of one tag


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Stack Overflow

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--SELECT Top 5 count(*)
SELECT Top 30000 *
FROM PostLinks pl
JOIN Posts as tp ON tp.Id = pl.PostId
JOIN Users as tu ON tu.Id = tp.OwnerUserId
JOIN Posts as mp ON mp.Id = pl.RelatedPostId
JOIN Users as mu ON mu.Id = mp.OwnerUserId
WHERE pl.LinkTypeId = 1
--AND tp.CreationDate > mp.CreationDate
--AND ((tp.Score*1.0)/(tp.ViewCount+1)) > ((mp.Score*1.0)/(mp.ViewCount+1))
AND pl.CreationDate > '2000-02-01 00:00:00'
AND pl.CreationDate < '2022-05-01 00:00:00'
AND tp.Score >= 1
AND mp.Score >= 1
AND tp.Tags LIKE '%<java>%'

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