Find questions without K answers


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SELECT Q.Id AS [Post Link], Q.Score, Q.AnswerCount, Q.ClosedDate
  FROM Posts Q
  -- Post is question
  Q.PostTypeId = 1
  -- Question is a code-golf challenge
  AND Q.Tags LIKE '%code-golf%' AND Q.Tags NOT LIKE '%tips%'
  AND Q.Tags NOT LIKE '%cops-and-robbers%' AND Q.Tags NOT LIKE '%polyglot%'
  AND Q.Tags NOT LIKE '%obfuscation%'
  -- custom tags
  -- AND Q.Tags LIKE '%sequence%'
  -- Question is recent enough
  AND year(Q.CreationDate) >= 2016
  -- Does not have an answer in any common dialects of K
    SELECT *
    FROM Posts A
    WHERE A.ParentId = Q.Id
    AND A.PostTypeId = 2
    AND (
      A.Body LIKE '%K (ngn/k)%' OR
      A.Body LIKE '%JohnEarnest/ok%' OR
      A.Body LIKE ''
  ORDER BY Q.ClosedDate ASC, Q.AnswerCount DESC, Q.Score DESC;

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