Threads affected by the unpinning of the accepted answer (as described in, i.e., threads with answers that score higher than the accepted answer, where the accepted answer was not written by the OP.
Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers
select distinct q.Id as [Post Link], q.CreationDate as Created, case when q.ClosedDate is null then '' else (case when pl.LinkTypeId = 3 then 'dupe' else 'closed' end) end as 'Status', aa.Score as 'Accepted score', hs.Score as 'Highest score', hs.Score - aa.Score as 'Score difference' from Posts as q left join Posts as aa on q.Id = aa.ParentId left join Posts as hs on q.Id = hs.ParentId left join PostLinks as pl on q.Id = pl.PostId where q.PostTypeId = 1 and q.AcceptedAnswerId is not null and q.AnswerCount > 1 and aa.Score < hs.Score and aa.Id = q.AcceptedAnswerId and hs.Score = (Select max(score) from Posts csq where csq.ParentId = and (aa.OwnerUserId != q.OwnerUserId or aa.OwnerUserId is null) and ((pl.LinkTypeId = (Select max(LinkTypeId) from PostLinks cpl where cpl.PostId = pl.LinkTypeId is null) --order by hs.Score - aa.Score DESC; order by Created DESC;