How to use it: 1. Run with default maxID 2. Download the CSV 3. Scroll to the bottom and copy the bottommost leftmost number (smallest answer ID returned) into maxID 4. Run again 5. Repeat 2-4 until you get less than 50000 results, and merge all CSV files downloaded
Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers
with CodeGolfQs as ( select distinct Q.Id from Posts Q where Q.PostTypeId = 1 and Q.CommunityOwnedDate is null and Q.DeletionDate is null and Q.ClosedDate is null and Q.Tags like '%<code-golf>%' and Q.Tags not like '%<tips>%' and Q.Tags not like '%<cops-and-robbers>%' and Q.Tags not like '%<polyglot>%' and Q.Tags not like '%<code-challenge>%' and Q.Tags not like '%<popularity-contest>%' and Q.Tags not like '%<restricted-source>%' and Q.Tags not like '%<source-layout>%' and Q.Tags not like '%<fastest-code>%' and Q.Tags not like '%<fastest-algorithm>%' and Q.Tags not like '%<metagolf>%' and Q.Tags not like '%<answer-chaining>%' and Q.Tags not like '%<programming-puzzle>%' and Q.Tags not like '%<test-battery>%' and Q.Tags not like '%<quine>%' and Q.Tags not like '%<self-referential>%' and Q.Body not like '%bonus%' and Q.Body not like '%Bonus%' ) select p.Id, p.ParentId, DATEDIFF(second,{d '1970-01-01'},p.CreationDate) as CreationDate, LEFT(p.Body,CHARINDEX(char(10),p.Body,1)-1) as FirstLine from Posts p inner join CodeGolfQs q on p.ParentId = q.Id where p.PostTypeId = 2 and p.CommunityOwnedDate is null and p.DeletionDate is null and p.OwnerUserId is not null and p.Body not like '%bonus%' and ( p.Body like '<h_>%' or p.Body like '<p><strong>%' ) and lower(left(p.Body, charindex(char(10), p.Body)-1)) like '%byte%' and p.Id < ##maxID:int?999999## order by p.Id DESC