Code golf tags filter


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select Q.Id as [Post Link], Q.Body, Q.Tags
from Posts Q
where Q.PostTypeId = 1
    and Q.CommunityOwnedDate is null
    and Q.DeletionDate is null
    and Q.ClosedDate is null
    and Q.Tags like '%<code-golf>%'
    and Q.Tags not like '%<tips>%'
    and Q.Tags not like '%<cops-and-robbers>%'
    and Q.Tags not like '%<polyglot>%'
    and Q.Tags not like '%<code-challenge>%'
    and Q.Tags not like '%<popularity-contest>%'
    and Q.Tags not like '%<restricted-source>%'
    and Q.Tags not like '%<fastest-code>%'
    and Q.Tags not like '%<fastest-algorithm>%'
    and Q.Tags not like '%<metagolf>%'
    and Q.Tags not like '%<answer-chaining>%'
    and Q.Tags not like '%<programming-puzzle>%'
    and Q.Tags not like '%<test-battery>%'
    and Q.Tags not like '%<quine>%'
    and Q.Tags not like '%<ascii-art>%'
    and Q.Tags not like '%<kolmogorov-complexity>%'
    and Q.Tags not like '%<date>%'
    and Q.Tags not like '%<random>%'
    and Q.Tags not like '%<error-message>%'
    and Q.Tags not like '%<self-referential>%'
    and Q.Tags not like '%<source-layout>%'
    and Q.Tags not like '%<graphical-output>%'
    and Q.Tags not like '%<interactive>%'
    and Q.Body not like '%bonus%'
    and Q.Body not like '%Bonus%'
order by Q.Score desc

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