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select post.Id as [Post Link],
    when post.PostTypeId = 1 then 'Question'
    when post.PostTypeId = 2 then 'Answer'
    when post.PostTypeId = 3 then 'Orphaned Tag Wiki'
    when post.PostTypeId = 4 then 'Tag Wiki Excerpt'
    when post.PostTypeId = 5 then 'Tag Wiki'
    when post.PostTypeId = 6 then 'Moderator Nomination'
    when post.PostTypeId = 7 then 'Wiki Placeholder'
    when post.PostTypeId = 8 then 'Privelege Wiki'
    else 'Unknow post type'
  as Type
from Posts as post
where post.OwnerUserId = ##UserId##

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