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WITH TolkienTags AS ( SELECT pt.PostId, pt.TagId, t.TagName FROM Tags t JOIN PostTags pt ON (t.Id = pt.TagId) WHERE t.TagName IN ('j-r-r-tolkien', 'tolkiens-legendarium', 'the-silmarillion', 'the-lord-of-the-rings', 'the-hobbit') ), TolkienPosts AS ( SELECT p.Id AS PostId, LOWER(CONCAT(p.Title, p.Body)) AS Body FROM Posts p JOIN TolkienTags tt ON (p.Id = tt.PostId) WHERE p.PostTypeId = 1 UNION SELECT p.Id, LOWER(p.Body) FROM Posts p JOIN TolkienTags tt ON (p.ParentId = tt.PostId) WHERE p.PostTypeId = 2 UNION SELECT p.Id, LOWER(p.Body) FROM Posts p WHERE p.Body LIKE '%Tolkien%' AND p.PostTypeId NOT IN (1, 2) ), Misspellings AS ( SELECT tp.PostId, 'Silmarillion / Silmaril' AS IntendedWord, 'Missing first L' AS Misspelling FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%simari%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Silmarillion / Silmaril', 'Single second L' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%marili%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Silmarillion', 'Single second L and missing final I' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%marilo%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Silmarillion', 'Single second L and missing final I and final O is A' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%marilan%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Silmarillion', 'Missing final I' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%marillo%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Silmarillion', 'Final O is A' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%marillian%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Silmarillion', 'Final O is A and missing final I' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%marillan%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Silmarillion / Silmaril', 'Double M instead of LM' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%simmar%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Silmarillion / Silmaril', 'Double R' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%marril%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Tolkien', 'Switched ie' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%olkein%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Barad-dûr', 'As one word' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%barad[uû]r%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Barad-dûr', 'As one word' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%baradd[uû]r%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Barad-dûr', 'Missing d' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%barad [uû]r%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Barad-dûr', 'Missing circumflex' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%barad-dur%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Dol Guldur', 'Added circumflex' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%dol guldûr%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Dol Guldur', 'O instead of u' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%dol guldor%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Dol Guldur', 'Added hyphen' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%dol-guld%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Eärendil', 'Missing ä' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%erendil%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Eärendil', 'No diaeresis on a' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%earendil%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Aulë', 'No diaeresis on e' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%aule%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Ilúvatar', 'No accent aigu on u' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%uvatar%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Ilúvatar', 'Double l' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%ill_vatar%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Lothlórien', 'Missing l' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%loth[oó]rien%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Lothlórien', 'No accent aigu on o' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%lothlorien%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Lothlórien', 'No accent aigu on o' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%lothorien%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Lórien', 'No accent aigu on o' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%lorien%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Saruman', 'Extra u' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%sauruman%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Sauron', 'Switched au' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%suaron%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Maedhros', 'No h' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%maedros%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Númenórean', 'I for e' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%n[úu]menorian%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Númenor / Númenórean', 'Extra r' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%n[úu]mern[oó]%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Númenor / Númenórean', 'No accent aigu on u' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%numen[oó]r%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Númenórean', 'No accent aigu on o' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%n[úu]menorean%' UNION SELECT tp.PostId, 'Nazgûl', 'No circumflex on u' FROM TolkienPosts tp WHERE tp.Body LIKE '%nazgul%' ), MisspelledWords AS ( SELECT mp.PostId, mp.IntendedWord, STRING_AGG(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(max), mp.Misspelling), ', ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY mp.Misspelling ASC) AS Misspellings FROM Misspellings mp GROUP BY mp.PostId, mp.IntendedWord ), MisspelledPosts AS ( SELECT mw.PostId, STRING_AGG( CONVERT( NVARCHAR(max), CONCAT(mw.IntendedWord, ': ', mw.Misspellings) ), '; ' ) AS Misspellings FROM MisspelledWords mw GROUP BY mw.PostId ) SELECT pt.name AS [Post Type], p.Id AS [Post Link], STRING_AGG(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(max), tt.TagName), ', ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY CASE tt.TagName WHEN 'tolkiens-legendarium' THEN 'aaaa' ELSE tt.TagName END ASC) AS Tags, m.Misspellings, p.Body FROM MisspelledPosts m JOIN Posts p ON (m.PostId = p.Id) JOIN PostTypes pt ON (p.posttypeid = pt.id) LEFT JOIN TolkienTags tt ON (p.Id = tt.PostId OR p.ParentId = tt.PostId) GROUP BY pt.Name, p.Id, p.ParentId, p.PostTypeId, m.Misspellings, p.Body ORDER BY CASE p.PostTypeId WHEN 2 THEN p.ParentId ELSE p.Id END, p.PostTypeId