Unanswered Questions by Week


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Stack Overflow

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select count(p.Id) as num_ques, 
concat(datepart(yyyy, p.CreationDate),'-',datepart(wk, p.CreationDate)) as yr_wk_num
from posts p
where p.CreationDate >= '2022-01-01'
-- and p.CreationDate <= '2021-12-31'
and p.Tags like '%<##tag?amazon-sagemaker##>%'
and p.PostTypeId = 1 -- questions only
and p.AnswerCount < 1 
and (LastEditorUserId is null or LastEditorUserId = OwnerUserId)
group by concat(datepart(yyyy, p.CreationDate),'-',datepart(wk, p.CreationDate));

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