select top 100 ROW_NUMBER() OVER(order by sum(case votety...


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Stack Overflow

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select top 100 
      ROW_NUMBER() OVER(order by sum(case votetypeid 
             when 2 then 1 
             when 3 then -1
             end) desc) AS [# Rank],
      p.owneruserid AS [User Link],
      count(distinct COALESCE(, 0)) Answers,
      sum(case votetypeid 
             when 2 then 1 
             when 3 then -1
             end) AS [Score],
      sum(case votetypeid 
             when 2 then 10 
             when 3 then -2
             end) [Reputation]
from posts p
inner join posttags pt on pt.postid = p.parentid
inner join tags t on = pt.tagid
left join votes v on = v.postid

where t.tagname = ##tagname:string?angular##
and p.OwnerUserId IS NOT NULL
group by p.OwnerUserId
having count(distinct COALESCE(, 0)) >= 180
order by sum(case votetypeid 
             when 2 then 1 
             when 3 then -1
             end) DESC

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