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-- Top Users by location and tag (see http://stackoverflow.com/tags) -- Created by samliew (http://stackoverflow.com/users/584192/samuel-liew) -- Modified by rafael-ortega -- Re-Modified by Jessica.Sanchez with AnswerScores AS ( SELECT Users.Id AS [User Link], SUM(Answers.Score) AS Score FROM Posts AS Answers INNER JOIN Posts AS ParentQuestions ON ParentQuestions.Id = Answers.ParentId INNER JOIN Users AS Users ON Answers.OwnerUserId = Users.Id INNER JOIN PostTags ON PostTags.PostId = Answers.ParentId INNER JOIN Tags ON Tags.Id = PostTags.TagId WHERE LOWER(Location) LIKE LOWER('%##Location##%') and Tags.Tagname='##Skill1##' GROUP BY Users.Id ), AnswerScores1 AS ( SELECT Users.Id AS [User Link], SUM(Answers.Score) AS Score1 FROM Posts AS Answers INNER JOIN Posts AS ParentQuestions ON ParentQuestions.Id = Answers.ParentId INNER JOIN Users AS Users ON Answers.OwnerUserId = Users.Id INNER JOIN PostTags ON PostTags.PostId = Answers.ParentId INNER JOIN Tags ON Tags.Id = PostTags.TagId WHERE LOWER(Location) LIKE LOWER('%##Location##%') and Tags.Tagname='##Skill2##' GROUP BY Users.Id ), AnswerScores2 AS ( SELECT Users.Id AS [User Link], SUM(Answers.Score) AS Score2 FROM Posts AS Answers INNER JOIN Posts AS ParentQuestions ON ParentQuestions.Id = Answers.ParentId INNER JOIN Users AS Users ON Answers.OwnerUserId = Users.Id INNER JOIN PostTags ON PostTags.PostId = Answers.ParentId INNER JOIN Tags ON Tags.Id = PostTags.TagId WHERE LOWER(Location) LIKE LOWER('%##Location##%') and Tags.Tagname='##Skill3##' GROUP BY Users.Id ) SELECT TOP 100 Users.DisplayName, ISNULL(AnswerScores.[User Link], AnswerScores1.[User Link]) as [User Link], ISNULL(AnswerScores.Score, 0) as [ ##Skill1## Score], ISNULL(AnswerScores1.Score1, 0) as [##Skill2## Score], ISNULL(AnswerScores2.Score2, 0) as [##Skill3## Score], Users.Reputation FROM AnswerScores FULL JOIN AnswerScores1 ON AnswerScores.[User Link] = AnswerScores1.[User Link] INNER JOIN Users ON AnswerScores.[User Link] = Users.Id INNER JOIN AnswerScores2 ON AnswerScores.[User Link] = AnswerScores2.[User Link] Where Users.Reputation >= '##Reputation##'